Blog Questionnaire

Please give a brief synopsis of your company, your industry, and the work which you do.
Who uses your product or service? What is your target customer’s primary gender, age, geographic location, etc? Is there a different or secondary target audience for information that will be shared via your blog?
Every blog has categories that its posts fall into. Categories should be broad enough to include a variety of posts but specific enough to justify their existence.
Every blog has categories that its posts fall into. Categories should be broad enough to include a variety of posts but specific enough to justify their existence.
What are some websites, blogs, news sources, or online communities where we could keep up on current trends, info, and advice?
Events are always a great topic to talk about. They show that you are active in the world around you.
Please list some blog topics, ideas, series, and/or titles that you would like to see us write about. The more you give, the happier you will make us!

Thing to Consider:

The best way to get momentum on a blog is to put it out there for the world to see. If you currently have any social media channels for your business, we would suggest sharing your blog posts through them. Also, when current events and happenings arise, don’t hesitate to let us know so that we can write about them. If you have pictures to go with them, please send those over too! Pictures are a great way to add a personal touch to your blog. A company blog is more than just a way to bring additional traffic to your website; it’s a direct line of communication to your present and future customers. By working together, we can make sure your company is leading the industry conversation, instead of trying to keep up with it. And maybe we’ll even have a little fun doing it.